Building a Movement to End Poverty: Support Poor People's Army (PPEHRC)
Support the Movement to End Poverty TODAY!!!
We’re living in one of the richest counties in history, and every day over 40 million people experience economic human rights violations and going without basic necessities. Corporate political parties will not solve these problems – we must take our futures into our own hands. We only get what we are organized to take.
These problems have practical solutions. We already have abundance in this world. It just needs to be shared equitable.
We believe in uniting the poor as a broad leadership base is what is necessary to end poverty everywhere and forever. Those most impacted must be at the forefront.
For 30 years, we have been empowering poor and workin people in poor communities across the country to change their own communities. We are building problem solvers, thinkers, leaders who know not to wait for those in power but to bring people together to solve problems in our neighborhoods.
You can help us carry on our 30 year legacy of creating unity and building a grassroots movement to end poverty.
When you donate, you also subscribe to the updates about the progress of our program. We want you to see the ongoing results of your donation, so we promise to share updates about the impact you are making.
You can also support our work by donating by check:
To donate via check or money order, make payable and mail to:
Alliance for Global Justice
225 E 26th St, Suite 1
Tucson, AZ 85713
If you are interested in planned giving, donating through investments, or other ways, please contact us at or 215-869-4753