Happy New Years and Thank You

A Happy New Years Message From Our National Organizer, Cheri Honkala

Feeling grateful I feel so grateful for the people that I work each and every day with. I'm grateful for the person who helped get the family's electricity back on. I'm grateful for all the donors that helped us make it to the end of the year. I am especially thankful for certain  individuals that did the heavy  lifting on this. You know who you are and there's just no words for my appreciation. Thank you To the people I work with that refuse to sell out and become a part of the nonprofit industrial complex. Thank you to the guy that let me do an IOU for my tire that blew. Thank you to the woman that donated baby clothes and a car seat for  Yaya/Miracle. Thank you to everybody in the poor people's army that has taken turns holding and loving Donut. Thank you for the diapers. 

Thank you for helping us write an amazing book that will come out next year. Thank you to the people that have helped us put a new heating system in the office. Thank you to the people that have been coming out on Thursday nights to teach and talk. Thank you to our curriculum developer.  Thank you to our food distributors. Thank you to those that have participated in rich conversations in our many educational programs. Thank you to our merchandise, developers and media folks

Thank you to all the amazing people working on our historic March that will take place in July 2024. Thank you to those that reminded us of peoples disabilities and that it's important to take time and breathe. Thank you to the people that do the heavy lifting of moving family after family  into Takeover houses. I'm thankful for the guy year after year who helps us get toys for hundreds of children. Yes, there's so many other things. I'm just thankful for all of you. Life is very hard for all of us right now. The most important thing that we have is each other. I'm so grateful for you…

With Great Love and Hope,

Cheri Honkala and the PPA Family


Why we March?-A Deeper Analysis


You and Me: Palestine and the American Poor