Marching on the Democrats’ Chicago Convention; Amazon Workers Organize Against Slave Labor Conditions; Garland Nixon on Class Politics; Remembering Malcolm X on the 99th Anniversary of His Birth

Students have been protesting Biden and Netanyahu’s war on Gaza all over the City of Chicago while city, state, and Democratic Party officials worry about what it portends for the Democratic National Convention from August 19 to August 23.  Comparisons to Chicago 1968 are common, and city police will be supported by Secret Service, FBI, Homeland Security, and neighboring police departments. The city has been denying all permits to protest within sight of the convention but it inadvertently granted one to the Poor People’s Army. Host and producer Ann Garrison spoke to Poor People’s Army leader Cheri Honkala.

Read the rest here:


The Global Police State - A Poor People’s Army Discussion with Professor William I. Robinson


Summer of Social Action