United Center will host part of the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago, as seen on Sept. 12, 2023. Credit: Colin Boyle/Block Club Chicago

The Philadelphia-based group will march on the convention headquarters after the city failed to follow its own guidelines, essentially giving the group a free pass.

By Melody Mercado

DOWNTOWN — The city has been forced to allow a group to protest at the United Center during the Democratic National Convention in August after missing its own deadline.

The Poor People’s Army, a national coalition based in Philadelphia, was granted a permit to march from Humboldt Park to the front of the United Center on Aug. 19 after officials failed to respond to the group’s application within the city’s 10-day deadline.

The group released a statement on its Instagram page Tuesday saying an administrative law judge ordered the city to grant the permit. The group protests peacefully every four years at the Democratic and Republican conventions, according to its statement.

“We don’t always win legal battles; we win with people’s power and our feet, marching peacefully with or without a permit,” Cheri Honkala, national spokesperson for Poor People’s Army, said in a statement. “But we’ll take this legal victory and march straight to the front doors of the DNC. Since we may be the only group given access and proximity to the DNC like this, we welcome other groups and coalitions to join us and make this the biggest march of poor and working people the Democrats have ever seen.”



The Poor People’s Army on Redneck Gone Green


City snafu allows protest at Democratic Convention’s front gate — when whole world is watching