Poor People's Army March Begins!

Today, the Poor People's Army began our 2-week march on foot from Milwaukee to Chicago, to arrive at the beginning of the Democratic National Convention. We began from King Park in Milwaukee with a vigil for Samuel Sharpe, Jr., who was shot by out-of-state police the day after our march on the RNC.

Eyes on us and support helps keep us safe. Follow our journey on Instagram@ppehrc (we will be going live every day)

As you know we are self-organized people in poverty using this important time to try to focus the world’s attention on human rights violations in the U.S.A. We do not take money from corporations or big corporate funds or the government. We do not have full-time staff or a board of directors, but instead dedicated soldiers that volunteer much of their time and resources to collectively survive and fight. If you or your organization have not yet donated, we would greatly appreciate a contribution: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-the-poor-peoples-army

Please share the GoFundMe widely! Our social media toolkit is here too: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/16ajNuBgq9aA9wQ4L0OrVGQ0ENJ-Ncxoh

We are thinking of all of you while we march. Thank you for your support!


Let’s Make it the Year of the People


Press Release: Cheri Honkala Arrested & Intimidated During RNC Protest