Poor People’s Army Sets Up “GRANTSPASSVILLE” Encampment at King Park On Eve of Republican National Convention

Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign (PPEHRC) / Poor People’s Army Press Release

For immediate release 

July 14, 2024

Press Contacts: Leela de Paula, 413-270-2087 

Cheri Honkala, 215-869-4753


Poor People’s Army Sets Up “GRANTSPASSVILLE” Encampment at King Park On Eve of Republican National Convention

MILWAUKEE, Wis. – Tonight, the Poor People’s Army (also known as the Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign) will be setting up a “GRANTSPASSVILLE” encampment at King Park in advance of their march on the opening day of the Republican National Convention (RNC). They will be marching from King Park to the Fiserv Forum on July 15 at 4 p.m. 

Every election year, the Poor People’s Army sets up “Hooverville”-style encampments, protesting the two-party political system and politicians who put corporate greed before human need. With the recent Grants Pass v. Johnson Supreme Court decision, the Poor People’s Army aims to center stories of people experiencing homelessness. The Poor People’s Army is marching on the RNC and DNC to raise awareness around issues that poor and homeless people are facing in this country, and plan to hold a mock “trial” to determine if the Republican and Democratic Party is guilty of crimes against humanity. August 3, the group will start marching 100 miles south to Chicago, where they will have the only permitted march on the Democratic National Convention. Thirty-plus organizations from across the country have endorsed the Poor People’s Army marches.

The Poor People’s Army applied for a special event permit in Milwaukee in October of 2023. They did not hear back from the city until the end of June, with an email saying “the Department of Public Works is not accepting applications for special events within an area” near the RNC. They provided a link to apply for “a parade permit and speakers platform registration form” that would have put them in a lottery to speak at a slot and place determined by the city. 

“One of the last things we have as poor people in this country is our voice, and we won’t let them take that away from us,” said Cheri Honkala, the Poor People’s Army’s national spokesperson. “The city was trying to pen us in and tell us when and how we could speak out about the injustices occurring. That’s not what the First Amendment is about.”

About the Poor People’s Army:

The Poor People’s Army is a nonviolent Army of poor and working people, led by poor people, fighting for our survival by any means necessary. For three decades, they have been “reclaiming the basic necessities of life” with free food distribution and housing takeovers of abandoned government-owned properties. They have a forthcoming book, Takeover! A Human Rights Approach to Housing. For more info, press updates, and graphics go to https://www.poorpeoplesarmy.org/ 

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