The Poor People’s Army Hits the Ground Running In Chicago
By Leela de Paula
Last weekend, a group of us from the Poor People’s Army - Leela, Nick, Galen, Tara, Cheri and Vince - made the 11-hour drive to Chicago from Philadelphia to meet with comrades and continue building people power on the ground. Although we were only there for a couple of days, the groundwork we were able to accomplish promises long-lasting revolutionary relationships.
Our soldiers were hosted by the generous folks at The Fireplace, an intentional community center of artists, activists, and spiritual seekers. A beautiful home meant to foster community care and be a refuge for movement builders, we spoke with Sister Sharon on the movement history of Chicago and bonded over our individual journeys to the work. We greatly appreciate the kindness of the Fireplace and hope to be back soon!
First March Tour Stop: Haymarket House in Chicago
On May 25th, we were joined at Haymarket House by our comrades Sedan “Suliman'' Smith and Minister Caliph Muab’El from Milwaukee, representing All of Us or None and Breaking Barriers Mentoring Inc. They spoke about the importance of organizing among ourselves to resist over policing and systemically imposed segregation, as well as the necessity to provide community guidance and support for youth experiencing de-resourcing and restricted opportunities for their future. White Panthers Party Chair Jake Hansbury also joined us last minute to provide the perspective of poor white communities organizing for liberation for all people.
Our own Cheri Honkala and Galen Tyler spoke about the power of coalition in the face of corporate, fascist political systems, exemplified by the upcoming Poor People’s Army March on the RNC and DNC. At the end of the event, Haymarket House committed to hosting the Poor People’s Army press conferences at the DNC Rally in Chicago, a big step forward in our continued collaboration. Thank you to everyone who showed up, including past students of the Art of Revolution educational series, Andy Thayer of Bodies Outside Unjust Laws, and friends of the Poor People’s Army, All of Us or None, and White Panthers. A special shoutout to Eric from Haymarket Publishing House for hosting us!
PPA Talks to Migrants Living in Tents in Humboldt Park
After the invigorating event, we were joined by Alisa Richardson, Secretary General of the Black Liberation Party, to visit Humboldt Park where our rally rejecting the corrupt Democratic Party will begin on August 19th. Although our intention was to speak to anyone about the upcoming march, we focused our attention on the many tents strewn across the grassy park, a terrible consequence of the country’s neglect of undocumented migrants and seeking new opportunities in Chicago. After helping local folks drop off food to tents, we spoke to a couple of the people relying on the park for survival. They came from across Latin America, such as Mexico, Guatemala, and Venezuela. They explained to us (with the translation help of our long-time organizer Tara Colon) the difficulties they face getting work as well as getting paid, the police harassment they face as homeless folk, and the hostilities they receive from locals. Galen spent time with them, discussing the necessity to be in coalition with those around us who are also at risk of being homeless and jobless, pointing out how it benefits those at the top for the poor to be fighting over crumbs while they hoard resources. There is plenty to go around - poverty is a policy choice!
Chicago is a battleground where both Democrats and Republicans fight with semantics and empty symbolism, while the poor, undocumented, and homeless continue to suffer from capitalist greed and struggle day-to-day to survive. We say, this ends today! The two-party, capitalist system does not work for us and never has. The only solution is to take back our power. Join us in marching on the RNC and DNC this summer as we denounce the major political parties who use the people as pawns, fund genocide, and seek power at others’ disposal.