The Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign, aka Poor People’s Army, has marched on corporate conventions every election year since 2000. This year we linked up with other orgs, with similar outlooks, to hold our own People’s 1st Convention.

The inception of this convention came out of organizing trips of the Poor People’s Army (PPA) in 2023-24, linking up with Breaking Barriers Mentoring Inc, All of Us or None, Black Liberation Circle, and others groups in the Midwest. PPA was touring to organize for their Marches on the RNC and DNC, building grassroots support challenging the corporate takeover of both major political parties. The idea to create our own convention of the people naturally came out of these conversations. We were looking for places, 3rd Party candidates, people without backing of major parties and corporations, could come and speak to people about real issues impacting them.

The People's 1st Convention is a festival for families, local organizations, and community members to build stronger bonds. It’s especially important in Wisconsin to amplify the voices of people on the bottom, people that aren’t represented by Trump or Biden, as the corporate parties try to woo the swing state voters.

The organizations involved agreed we want to get all the people together that don’t want to support the Democrats or the Republicans, and let them know they’re not fighting by themselves.

We are excited to welcome important figures like Dr. Jill Stein and many more will be announced in the weeks ahead.

There  will be a focus on civic engagement, as well as voter registration education accompanied by live music, artists, food and drinks, and the  highlight of the event will be a debate with third party presidential  candidates.