2024 has been quite a year.

A Poor People’s Army Bootcamp in NJ.

We know it hasn’t been easy. As justice-loving people, we know you are hurting seeing the world so broken. We are asking for your help to build a nonviolent ARMY that is truly making a difference.

We have seen war and genocide rage on. We have seen continued decline in our social fabric. We are seeing the rise of more and more rhetoric and actions that are emblematic of the corporate merger with the State— a new Fascism growing before our eyes, of both political parties’ creation. We’ve seen an all-out war on homeless people, led by the Supreme Court and many Democratic leaders. And the war on immigrants that started under Biden and is poised to escalate under Trump. But we are also seeing so many signs of people waking up. We want you to look through our list of accomplishments below, that we couldn’t have done without supporters across the country that are eager to build an alternative to today’s system.

We want to encourage you to think about where you are investing your time and money in 2025, and we implore you to make the Poor People’s Army your focus. We are asking you to give via online donation or via check at the “PPEHRC/AFGJ” address at the bottom of the email. 2024 was an extraordinary year for the expansion of movement building and educational activities.

Next year is poised to be filled with deeper relationship-building, leadership development, and strategic national work.

PROJECTS of SURVIVAL 2024 accomplishments:

  • Dozens of people call our hotline everyday for housing and food and other issues.

  • Delivered 2500 bags of groceries across the greater Philadelphia area.

  • Served 150 families in need of food and supplies.

  • Helped hundreds of people with housing issues, preventing homelessness, keeping families together, navigating getting any basic necessities.

  • Continuing to support New Jerusalem Now recovery program in North Philly.

  • Established weekly tabling at Broad & Diamond.

  • See more info at https://www.poorpeoplesarmy.org/about

MOVEMENT BUILDING 2024 accomplishments

  • Led the charge condemning the Grant’s Pass Supreme Court decision that paves the way for criminalization of homelessness across the country.

  • Marched on the RNC in July & the DNC in August, delivering citizen’s arrests for Crimes Against Humanity.

  • Marched 90 miles in cities and towns across WI and IL.

  • Helped coordinate and organize the People’s First Convention in Milwaukee.

  • Developed working relationships with local and national organizations, moving deeper than a surface level coalition strategy, and dedicating time, travel, and resources to our relationships in Milwaukee, Chicago, Cincinnati, Indiana, Connecticut, Massechussettes, Florida, Philadelphia, and beyond.

  • Created a bases of operations beyond Philadelphia Headquarters, and establishing protocol for people to create their own working sections of PPA.

  • Worked with labor unions, PhilaPOSH, and organizing workers.

  • Planning a National Gathering in the Summer of 2025 to further solidify these relationships and strategize coordination.

  • See more info at https://www.poorpeoplesarmy.org/ppa-in-the-media


We and our fiscal sponsor have had ongoing banking challenges due to our support of Palestinian groups, and the unjust targeting of our operations. Because of this, we’ve been unable to take credit card payments (and monthly sustainer credit cards payments) for 2 years. We continue to fight this and work with other groups experiencing this persecution. Inability to process credit cards has greatly hurt our operating funds, as individual donations are our number one fundraising method. We do not take money from corporations, corporate-controlled funders, or government funds. 

We are grateful to everyone who has dug deep and helped with old fashioned check donations, and are asking you to please send in contributions making checks payable to:

PPEHRC/AFGJ” 225 E. 26th St., Suite 1, Tucson, AZ 85713

Checks are tax-deductible. You can also make GoFundMe donations, which are not tax deductible but are the easiest way to pay with a credit or debit card: https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-the-poor-peoples-army/  For ACH transfer info or contributions from donor advised funds, please contact us!

Other ways to support our work:

Buy our Takeover book!

Buy a Poor People’s Army mug or Tshirt!

They make GREAT GIFTS!

And you can forward this message to someone who would want to know more about Poor People’s Army / Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign. There’s a Join Us link here with easy ways for people to get more involved.


Joey Merlino to Host Holiday Extravaganza Once Again For Poor and Homeless Children